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Statue Stock Photos & Royalty-Free Images

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Close up back of monk with red umbrella walk on stair up to big buddha statue.
Close up back of monk with red umbrella walk on stair up to big buddha statue.

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Group of young and senior monks walk down from area of big buddha statue with day light.
Group of young and senior monks walk down from area of big buddha statue with day light.

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Statue of a Buddha
Statue of a Buddha

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photo of the antique statue
photo of the antique statue

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photo of the statue
photo of the statue

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White marble head of young man, head of famous statue by Michelangelo. Gypsum copy of ancient statue
White marble head of young man, head of famous statue by Michelangelo. Gypsum copy of ancient statue

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19,378 stock photos

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Closeup shot of a buddha statue with blurred background

Closeup shot of a buddha statue with blurred background

Buddha Statue in Outdoor Garden With Blurred Background

Buddha Statue in Outdoor Garden With Blurred Background

God statue and Details on the facade at Brihadeeswara Temple

God statue and Details on the facade at Brihadeeswara Temple

Doctor checking health status of a girl

Doctor checking health status of a girl

by tan4ikk
Guardian Lion Statue Komainu on Miyajima island

Guardian Lion Statue Komainu on Miyajima island

Buddha head statue inside bodhi tree

Buddha head statue inside bodhi tree

Statue of Marcus Aurelius at Piazza del Campidoglio

Statue of Marcus Aurelius at Piazza del Campidoglio

Closeup of a stone statue of Buddha under the moonlight

Closeup of a stone statue of Buddha under the moonlight

Statue of Lion and half-timbered building in Braunschweig

Statue of Lion and half-timbered building in Braunschweig

Buddha Statue in Outdoor Garden With Blurred Background

Buddha Statue in Outdoor Garden With Blurred Background

Golden Buddha statue in Khao Yai, Thailand

Golden Buddha statue in Khao Yai, Thailand

Statue in the sacred Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali

Statue in the sacred Monkey Forest, Ubud, Bali

Bronze Little mermaid statue in Copenhagen isolated

Bronze Little mermaid statue in Copenhagen isolated

by Cebas
Closeup shot of a golden Buddha statue in Thailand

Closeup shot of a golden Buddha statue in Thailand

Closeup shot of the Pope Pius IX statue

Closeup shot of the Pope Pius IX statue

Sphinx statue,stone sculpture in Zadar, Croatia

Sphinx statue,stone sculpture in Zadar, Croatia

Buddha head statue inside bodhi tree

Buddha head statue inside bodhi tree

God statue and Details on the facade at Brihadeeswara Temple

God statue and Details on the facade at Brihadeeswara Temple

Kumbakarna Laga statue at the Botanical Gardens in Bali

Kumbakarna Laga statue at the Botanical Gardens in Bali

White statue of a cat on brown tree trunk

White statue of a cat on brown tree trunk

Buddha Statue in Outdoor Garden With Blurred Background

Buddha Statue in Outdoor Garden With Blurred Background

God statue and Details on the facade at Brihadeeswara Temple

God statue and Details on the facade at Brihadeeswara Temple

Stone statues near ancient temple

Stone statues near ancient temple

Buddhas statues in Loumani Buddha Garden. Myanmar

Buddhas statues in Loumani Buddha Garden. Myanmar

Law symbol; statue of justice on white background

Law symbol; statue of justice on white background

buddhist statue closeup in maiji mountain grottoes

buddhist statue closeup in maiji mountain grottoes

Statue at the Golden Mountain in Bangkok. Three monkeys

Statue at the Golden Mountain in Bangkok. Three monkeys

Statue of lord Buddha in Aurangabad Caves, India

Statue of lord Buddha in Aurangabad Caves, India

famous Frederiks Church and statue in Copenhagen, Denmark

famous Frederiks Church and statue in Copenhagen, Denmark

Plaster statue of the head of David on a gray background

Plaster statue of the head of David on a gray background
