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Browse through our collection of balti images and stock photos. They are all royalty-free and ready to use for your next project.

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Typical Indian food, Lamb Balti.
Typical Indian food, Lamb Balti.

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Side view of a vegetarian, vegan Indian Balti curry with raita, naan bread, mango chutney, rice
Side view of a vegetarian, vegan Indian Balti curry with raita, naan bread, mango chutney, rice

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indian chicken curry in balti dish
indian chicken curry in balti dish

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Top view of a vegetarian, vegan Indian Balti curry with raita, naan bread, mango chutney, rice
Top view of a vegetarian, vegan Indian Balti curry with raita, naan bread, mango chutney, rice

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indian chicken curry in balti dish
indian chicken curry in balti dish

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indian curry and Biryani in balti dishes
indian curry and Biryani in balti dishes

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indian chicken curry in balti dish
indian chicken curry in balti dish

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lamb tikka masala in balti dish
lamb tikka masala in balti dish

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Price is in US dollars and excludes tax and handling fees
indian chicken curry in balti dish

indian chicken curry in balti dish

Coconut Rice

Coconut Rice

indian butter chicken curry with basmati rice

indian butter chicken curry with basmati rice

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Tasty tikka masala with rice and tomato sauce

Tasty tikka masala with rice and tomato sauce

by Shaiith
Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

indian food - saag paneer curry dish

indian food - saag paneer curry dish

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Tasty tikka masala with rice and sauce

Tasty tikka masala with rice and sauce

by Shaiith
Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Delicious tikka masala with rice and tomato sauce

Delicious tikka masala with rice and tomato sauce

by Shaiith
Chicken tikka masala spicy curry

Chicken tikka masala spicy curry

Malai Kofta Curry

Malai Kofta Curry

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Coconut Rice Using Leftover Rice

Coconut Rice

Coconut Rice

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Malai Kofta Curry

Malai Kofta Curry

indian chicken tikka masala curry and saag paneer curries on table top

indian chicken tikka masala curry and saag paneer curries on table top

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Dal Makhani or Dal Makhni

Malai Kofta Curry

Malai Kofta Curry
